Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Casino Royale

My biggest complaint about the movie is the marketing. Frankly, the trailers that they showed, revealed too many little details about the movie. With that said, let's talk about the film.

I was skeptical about a blond James Bond. But the more I saw of the previews, the more I thought the producers made a good choice. And after having seen the movie now, I wholeheartedly agree with my progressing opinion. Daniel Craig made an excellent Bond and I look forward to seeing him in future James Bond films.

This movie is a prequel, so to speak, in that Bond is just establishing himself as a Double O. I love the camera angles they used in the opening scene. That, along with the black and white, made it feel almost as though I were watching a film noir.

Casino Royale definitely has a different feel than previous Bond films. We don't hear the familiar Bond theme until the end. We also see how he gets his famous drink.

The film had a good mix of drama and action and the first action sequence was quite good. The actor/stunt man that played the guy that Bond chases in that action sequence does some quite exceptional things. He's flying in and out of tight spots and climbing like a monkey or something or another. I thoroughly enjoyed that part.

I'm going to keep this review short, because I just don't have much to say. I will just say that the movie was a good deal of fun and I anxiously await its arrival on DVD.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yay for higher taxes!

Well, it's 8:36 PM here on the left coast. The U.S. House of Representatives has been called in the Democrats favor. And the Republicans are barely holding on to the Senate. That might be determined later tonight or tomorrow morning. I guess the constant barrage of bad news from Iraq has finally worn down the populace. It's no surprise. But what now of the Democrats' conspiracies of voter fraud? Are we to ignore that? Well, since the mainstream media is in the back pocket of the Dems I guess we will.

So now what? Higher taxes? Charlie Rangel has basically said so. He has been quoted as saying that he'll repeal every Bush tax cut. Yeah, so that means higher taxes. And I'm sure when he's finished with that he will raise them. Oh, and spare me the whole tax cuts for the rich nonsense! When their costs go up, who do you think they pase those cost increases on to? That's right, the blue collar worker that the Dems apparently look out for. Then again, we never hear about that aspect of raising taxes.

I guess that might mean we'll pull out of Iraq. Never mind that the vast majority of Democrats voted for the war. Yes, the far lefties from DailyKos and Moveon.org don't let those Democrats forget that. Hey, at least Joe Lieberman beat Ned Lamont. I guess we will have a repeat of Vietnam. Pull out before the war is won and never mind about those 3 million Cambodians that were slaughtered after we left. So much for the Dems being the great humanitarians they claim to be.

I wish I could find some silver lining in all of this. I just can't. I'm not going to pull a Democrat and blame it all on this or that fraud and what not. We lost. It's that simple. Now we need to pick up the pieces and hope that we at least retain control of the Senate. And if we don't, hopefully Bush will actually veto some spending bills.