Monday, October 15, 2007

Been a while

For the one or two people that actually might read my blog, I know it's been a long while. Frankly, when "professional" bloggers claim that blogging isn't that easy, they're correct.

Anyway, there hasn't been much going on with me. I got engaged in August. We don't know when exactly we're going to get married yet. Trish is working on passing the boards to be a certified R.N. Me, I'm trying to find a new job. I have some prospect on that.

I'm in the process of hopefully getting hired by the city of San Francisco as an emergency 9-11 dispatcher. I passed the written and typing tests. The next step is going in front of a panel for the "orals" as the woman that administered my typing test described it. I guess that's the interview part. I'm hoping I get it. The job starts at $30 an hour, which beats the $17.24 an hour I make now.

I'm really ready for a change in my job. I've grown frustrated with my current job and the realization that they're not going to promote me. I'm too vocal. They want someone that isn't going to cause problems. Then again, I look at some of the supervisors that they promote and keep in their non-union jobs (i.e., they could relatively easily get rid of them without having to fight the union) and it makes me wonder. They have people in supervisor jobs that are constantly getting in trouble and what not. Oh well...I'm just not going to kiss ass and I will not be a "yes" man. Of course my mouth has gotten me in to trouble more times than I care to remember throughout my life.

The other frustrating thing about my job is that I am an instructor. Not to mention that all of the other instructors make more than me! I train and teach new-hires. I've successfully taught, with equal help from my colleagues, several hundred employees. And as soon as they graduate, they make the same amount of money that I make. Factor in the reality that half of the people that were recently promoted were either my students or I helped train in some capacity. So now they're my bosses! Oy! Talk about frustrating!

Ok, enough of that! I did finally move out and am happily roommate free! YAY! I won't bother you with details, just needless to say it was a living nightmare and one that I will not repeat. Just some advice to you guys out there: AVOID HAVING A ROOMMATE IF YOU CAN AT ALL AVOID IT!

I turned 30 this past July. some ways I do feel like I'm getting older but in more ways than not I don't feel old. I'm certainly stodgy and set in most of my ways as one might describe an "old" person. But I still feel like a kid.

A little bit of politics: I find this whole Rush Limbaugh and "phony soldiers" controversy to be absurd! As some know, I'm a big Limbaugh fan and have listened to him for several years now. As someone that listens to him on a daily basis, the idea that he isn't supportive of the military is a farce! He's one of the biggest supporters of the military regardless of their political beliefs. Why is it that the Democrats are spending time, energy, and our FREAKING MONEY on trying to admonish a private citizen???!!! And don't bring the tit for tat argument of the General Petraeus incident. It's not the same. The ad is from a non-profit group viciously attacking a highly decorated officer and Democrats, like Tom Lantos, basically calling him a liar in public! Read the transcript yourself here.

I'm currently listening to Vienna Teng. Her music is really something else. You can buy her albums from Amazon's download music service for I think $8 an album. It's a better deal than buying from Apple's iTunes store. Plus, you get it at a higher bit rate and DRM free.

That's enough rambling for now. I make no promises, not that anyone actually reads this, of when I will make another post.


At 7:21 AM , Blogger Scott said...

Hey Mike. I read your blogs so you have at least one reader! I hope that things work out with the dispatch job. When you said what your salary would be I was like, "Holy sh*t, that's a lot of cash!" But then again I forgot about the cost of living where you're at. Take care and keep firing both barrels at the Left!

~ Scott

At 10:23 AM , Blogger CowboyBebop said...

Yeah, the cost of living here is really outrageous. A house across the street from where I live is going for $650,000. What do you get? A small, two-bedroom, less than one thousand square foot home. I don't even think I could FIND a home back where I'm from that would sell for that price! Not to mention the state and local governments here find every way they can to sock it to you in taxes and various other fees. I love it here really, but the liberal, socialist government doesn't make it cheap to live here.


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