Friday, April 28, 2006

The Next Propaganda Technique for the Illegal Immigration Debate

Frankly, this illegal immigration debate is really starting to irk me! We're just supposed to allow anyone and everyone in this country with no restrictions?! Well, that's what many on the opposite side of the debate want. They're going to try and accomplish this through their propaganda with the mainstream media. It might work, but I think they're going to cause an even bigger backlash.

First, it started with someone from CBS News sending out a memo stating that they shouldn't use the words "illegal immigration," but rather use the words "undocumented worker." Then came the rallies in Los Angeles and various other places where these protesters insisted on using MEXICAN flags! They want to live and work here and become U.S. citizens, but they use MEXICAN FLAGS???!!! Someone finally wised them up and got them to start using U.S. flags on subsequent protests.

Last night, on the O'Reilly factor, he had a guest on his show by the name of Domingo Garcia basically stating that using "illegal alien" is a racial slur! Since when is a factually accurate descriptor a racial slur? Ok, how long is it going to take for someone to say the word "criminal" is a racial slur?

Now, I read about this "new" version of the Star Spangled Banner, the U.S. National Anthem for those that aren't taught about it in our public schools. So what's this new version, you might ask? Is it a country-rock version? Is Neil Young going to be singing praises for Bush? Oh wait, he's soon to release an anti-Bush album with one of the songs brilliantly titled "Impeach the President." Oh brother, how original! Is this new version going to be a jazz version? Is it going to be a Latin version? Wait! Stop the presses! We have a winner! Sounds cool, huh? Only if you want a Spanish language version!

Yes, that's right folks. Some idiot named Adam Kidron, thinks it's a wonderful idea to have a Spanish language version of OUR National Anthem. What's next, a Spanish version of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution next to the original ones at the National Archives? It wouldn't surprise me if there already was one.


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