Thursday, April 27, 2006

The level at which some will go to bash Bush...

I visit a technology web site several times a day. It's called It's a web site in which people submit technology related stories to it and based upon how quickly and often people click on the storie, i.e. digg, it will make it to the front page and then get a lot of exposure.

Just a little while ago, I clicked on one of the stories that made it to the front page about a live re-enactment of the classic Super Mario Bros. game at a talent show at a small college. In addition to the links of these stories, there's a section where people can post comments about the story.

Well, a number of numskulls just couldn't help themselves. This college is apparently an "evil" Christian college in Massachusetts. And this is what one poster had to say:

"Ummmm..... I would call it a piece of shit. Christians need to find better shit to do beside love Bush and doing gay ass shit they think is funny. I would go to church if I didn't have to put up with the childish retards praising the lord by writing notes in service. Damn savages. Fucking pseudo-christians."

Those liberals are real tolerant, huh? This type of attitude towards Christians is absolutely repugnant. It never ceases to amaze me at what lengths they will go to attack Bush and or Christians. Yet, they're the ones that are supposedly so much more understanding and open-minded!?

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